Our Partners

We have a large partner network

ChurchTools has a large partner network to ensure that our products are more effective. This enables us to expand our solutions for churches, congregations, associations and organizations and to optimize them for the local church work.

Our Partners


CCLI SongSelect is the central source for searching and discovering song lyrics, chord sheets, sheet music with transpose function, audio samples and much more. All this is available for more than 100,000 praise and worship songs.


SongBeamer is the flexible, fast and affordable software for projecting songs, Bible passages, videos, images and short messages onto a screen during the service using a projector. SongBeamer uses MultiMonitor technology.


The Kirchliche Rechenzentrum Südwestdeutschland (KRZ-SWD) is one of the leading IT service providers for the church, diaconia and Caritas. Since 2019, we have been offering “KRZ.ChurchTools” to all organized churches at special key account conditions in cooperation with KRZ-SWD. A connection to the church reporting system is possible via the Sync module.


AMOS IT helps parishes and church institutions to work in a modern, efficient and data protection-compliant way. AMOS IT helps churches and congregations to discover the potential of digitalization for their work.

ALPHA Buchhandlung

ALPHA Buchhandlung is one of the largest Christian bookstore chains in Germany and works with almost all Christian publishers such as Brunnen, Kawohl, Francke, Gerth Medien, SCM Hänssler, Adonia, Bibellesebund, Oncken and the German Bible Society.

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