
Sharing church life encouraging fellowship

Posts enable your church community to share information about congregational topics at any time and from anywhere. This means you know more about each other and it is easier for people in your church to stay informed and get involved. It also opens up another way to reach those who are not yet in your congregation.

Can be used in many ways

Important announcements, group conversations, invitations to events, prayer requests or petitions – posts bring church life closer to the people. They can be shared publicly, seamlessly integrated into the website and help guests to connect more easily, especially through self-registration and the app.
In addition, subscription-based posts from the church association or Christian organizations provide further valuable inspiration for everyday life. The “Posts” module thus becomes a digital showcase, bulletin board – and a real social network for your church community.

More Interactions

In addition to reading or viewing posts (e.g. texts, images, later also embedded videos), people in your church community can interact in different ways: They can react with an emoji (e.g. 👍 ❤️ 🙏), leave a comment directly below the post with questions or remarks or share the post with others.

Always up to date

Anyone who is allowed to see a group can also see its posts – unless a post is restricted to “group members only”. In this case, membership of the group is required. You can stay up to date by activating notifications: New posts are reported via push notification so that you don’t miss anything. In addition, posts can be sent in the form of email summaries so that even users without a smartphone can conveniently receive the latest content in their inbox.

Clearly defined

Of course, the same principles apply to posts as for ChurchTools as a whole: security, data protection and clear assignment of permissions. You decide which group types can publish posts and which roles within these groups are allowed to write posts. Users also have the option of hiding individual posts, posts from a specific group or a specific author, as well as reporting posts if someone goes over the top.


An overview of all posts can be found in a separate tab, all posts of a group are displayed in the group view, the most recent posts directly on the start page.


Stay up to date thanks to push notifications: 1. for new posts in a group or 2. for new comments on a post. Summaries can be sent by e-mail.


Decide for yourself who can see your posts: either everyone who is authorized to view this group, or only active group members.


The seamless integration into the existing ChurchTools groups enables the quick creation of posts and uncomplicated interaction.


Lead discussions, collect feedback, ask questions, ... - Comments offer many possibilities. At the same time, the function can be deactivated for individual posts.


Admins decide which groups are allowed to use posts. They can also mark individual groups as "recommended" in order to direct users to the right places for information or discussion.

Subscribe to Posts

With “Subscribable posts”, you can read posts from other ministries directly in your feed! For example, follow your neighboring church, Christian ministries such as Open Doors or your church association and receive helpful inspiration for everyday life in the ChurchTools app or web application.

Your church can also create subscription-based posts to announce events or news beyond your own congregation. This gives interested parties an easy way to find out about what you have to offer.

Current posts on the start page

Easy to create, edit and interact

Comment function can be disabled

Seamless integration into the existing ChurchTools groups

Highlight groups

Simple linking of ChurchTools content

Regulated by the ChurchTools authorization system

Space for 140 characters (title) or 10,000 characters (text)

Up to 8 images per post

Report / moderate posts and comments

Automatic notification via push message or e-mail summary

Plan publication and archiving of articles

Post as church/campus

Subscription to posts from other churches and Christian organizations

Still have questions?

Our support team will be happy to answer your questions – even if you are not yet a customer.

If you would like to introduce the ChurchTools software to your church or need support in the decision-making process, you will find a range of materials here that may help you.


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You can test ChurchTools for 30 days completely free of charge, ask unlimited questions to our support team and participate in regular online trainings to get to know ChurchTools better and set it up in your church.

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